Introduction to Deep Learning

Hi, everyone! 
I believe to express my experience and knowledge without any 
boundary and specially those who has less understanding about 
the Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning 
that's why I don’t prefer to write advance vocabulary. After Reading
 this Article you can able to understand what is Deep learning
 and Neuron and it structure If you get to know about the basic 
definition and understating of Machine learning read
[Article writer]

Introduction to Deep Learning:
Deep learning in the subset of Machine Learning, deals with the algorithm which is inspired by the structure and function of the brain (Neuron). In simple words we can say that, it is a technique to teach computer to do what? As like human naturally: learning by example. Computer model in deep learning learn to do classification tasks directly from resources to from it has been designed i.e. images, games etc. It has the state-of-art accuracy also models are trained by using a large set of labeled data and neural network architectures that contain many layers. So, what is Neuron Network and it structure and how can we understand the behavior of neuron in our machine.

Neuron is what?
  Consider the biologically neuron, in which The primary components of the neuron are the soma (cell body), the axon (a long slender projection that conducts electrical impulses away from the cell body), dendrites (tree-like structures that receive messages from other neurons), and synapses (specialized junctions between neurons). The main component of neuron structure are: Dendrite, Cell Nucleus,  Axon, Synapse, where Dendrite receive messages from other cells, Cell Nucleus control the activity of the cells, Axon passing messages away from the cell body to other neuron and Synapse, Dendrites create one of the most well-known structures in the brain: the synapse. This is the site of interaction between the neuron and the target cell. Synapses can be located in several places and are classified based on their location:
Axospinous – present on the dendritic spine
Axodendritic – present on the dendrite itself
Axosomatic - present on the soma (cell body)
Axoaxonic – present on the axon, or tail
The working of Neuron in our brain:
Get the signals of information
Meshing the incoming signals to identify whether or not the signal should be passed along.
Target the cells through communicate signals (other Neurons)

What is Neuron Network?
       After understand about the biological neuron, in Computer world neural network works as like Neuron working models, it consist on the different layer to identity the object in images, texts or different application. Generally the layer consists on 3 basic layers INPUT, HIDDEN and OUTPUT.

Input Layer (it receives the all the input)

Hidden Layer (between input the output layers, its transform the input layer in that format, which output layer use it)

Output Layer (through two layer output layer easily identify the input) 

Biological Neuron VS Artificial Neuron:
    In Artificial Neuron the main components are INPUT, NODES, WEIGHTS and OUTPUT.
Let's understand by the diagram

      We got understand about the work of Dendrite, Cell Nucleus,  Axon, Synapse  in human Neuron, now The working of neuron in humans brain we implements that working step into machine to make predication and working as like human using feature extraction. To make understand the four part of Neuron implement in Machine using deep learning to make your machine smarter.

Why Deep Learning:
        Day by Day we are going ahead in the field of technology and big data, that's why often time we need advance algorithm to survive. Many software industry moves towards AI field to make their work system more intelligent. It becomes more necessarily according to the demand. To secure the word in term of security, copyright issue and hacking we need systematic machine algorithm as per requirement we need to do work on AI and its subset field.

Also we need Deep Learning due to it is complex to extract the features from images, to perform complex algorithm (as the amount of data increase), process of huge amount of data and achieve the best performance with large amount of data and many more reason. 
That's why the graph of usage is improving day by day.

Features Extraction in Deep Learning:
      In Deep learning we don't need to provide extract features manually from the image. While training it get learn, we need just feed (pixel value on it). Features Extraction play a vital role to identity the output after accepting the input from the user For example in this concept our machine identify the picture of dog using among the different animal pictures by using facial features we already got understand it, but more feature extraction we get the pixel of that images, then show the color scale in graph which identity the color range of the image also in second approach we can use RGB color and find the AVERAGE usage of these color then save into Database for future comparison. 


    To solve these stages two problems will be faced namely DIMENSIONAL CURSE: Each of image having large number f dimension or features 256 colors, try to reduce the number of feature
CROSS TALK: Means Query image RED COLOR not only compare to RED of any other image of data base also others color of it, RED TO RED, RED TO PINK, RED TO ORANGE etc…
 This Features Extraction helps to identify the algorithm
to predict more near to the right output.

Example of Deep Learning:

 These are few well known example of Deep Learning Application.
1.     Identify the disease
2.     Got understand the level of cancer disease (level)
3.     Autonomous driving car
4.     Music Composition
5.     Colorization the black-and-white image into color full image
6.     Object dedication in the image
7.     Dream reader

           and many more…


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  2. Bcz I did selected convolutions neural network in deep laerinjng as my research purpose...Is it good....plz send the ppt which you taught in youtube

  3. Introduction to Deep Learning


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